Manage readability and ergonomic sightlines of your Education Spaces, store space parameters including AV-IT device and furniture properties, generate AV equipment’s life-cycles, present assets' values of your installed base, and know their carbon footprint equivalent numbers.
Start small with Education Spaces Viewer as a separate module and show all your spaces in an online catalogue for a quick overview with space details just one click away.
Visualizing Readability and Sightlines makes the fuzzy concept of visual acuity clear and tangible within your Education Spaces. Students should be able to fully concentrate on understanding the subject matter without being distracted by unreadable formulas, squinted eyes, strained necks, or swivelled backs.
Our Offer
TUDesc is available in Licenses of Use of up to 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and unlimited number of stored education spaces. All employees of your institute are allowed to use the license. The TUDesc Manager assigns permissions to staff for specific roles of AV, Equipment, Facility Management, IT, Furniture and Space conditions.
TUDesc is unique in combining related but complex interactions and show these in a few simple sliders easy to manipulate by the user. It holds many bespoke widgets to meet any space configuration, functional not constructional.
TUDesc runs as a containerized, always-on application hosted in Google Kubernetes Engine. It is available to licensed users only, but possible to test before purchase. Although, one has to register.
Audiovisual equipment has gradually taken up a noteworthy larger part of investments when designing education spaces and buildings. Even today, style and design of buildings keeps on receiving the significant attention, while qualitative education related issues are undervalued. Often, this results in expensive changes during the building process, if only possible.
Writing proper Programs of Requirements yourself saves lots of time and money normally spent on third parties before and during the building processes.
AV-IT and Asset managers have complete overview in the Education Space Management page with aggregated and derivative numbers on campus and building level, and individual parameters on room level.
Carbon footprints (both Embodied and Usage) are rather unknown for AV-IT devices and furniture in teaching and learning spaces. This 16-part Green AV series describes our journey into sustainability. It gives practical examples for making things visible and calculable through Space Management, Assets, CO2, and KPI dashboards.
Universities, as end-users, have significant influence on AV-IT life-cycle chains. Thus, focus on the Use-Phase as well, which takes up about eighty percent of systems’ life cycles. Take our KPI dashboard as example to start with, your influence is not to be underestimated.
Make your very own Education Spaces Viewer with an ESViewerOnly license for just one third of the license costs. Have your institute’s branded (logo, colours, definitions) online catalogue showing an overview of education spaces in a public accessible webpage where teaching and scheduling staff do not have to log in. See for instance or
Detail pages display all properties of a particular space and are just one click away. An impression is given hereunder.
Admin pages manage Overview and Detail Pages, these are role based access controlled (RBAC), secured and dedicated. The ESViewerOnly submodule serves as stepping-stone towards our comprehensive TUDesc application.
TUDesc generates aggregated numbers for all stored spaces on its Dashboards including Readability, Sightlines, Installed Base, Carbon Footprint, and Green AV KPIs for AV-IT and Assets .
Dr. A.H.W. van der Zanden PhD B.Eng is education expert with special focus on AV-IT and qualitative interior issues of teaching and learning spaces. He has an instigating role in the design and development of education facilities. Piet advises about audio-visual, pedagogical, ergonomic and technical issues, and is involved in feasibility and usability studies.
M.J.Heijink B.Eng is software engineer with special focus on bridging the education domain with the latest developments in Information Technology. His excellent coding techniques complete commercial online and collaborative learning environments with bespoke interfaces. Marcel is experienced in Python, C#, Java, Docker and Kubernetes.
Jelle Post MSc is Investment Manager with special focus on Business Development and Entrepreneurship for Delft Enterprises. He has been founding the MynOber QR ordering solution for restaurants and bars in 2017. As former software entrepreneur Jelle mainly supports new entrepreneurs who focus on software-related spin-offs.
Marco Buitenhuis CTS is AV-IT expert with special focus on education and meeting spaces. He does design of AV and conference systems including its network infrastructure. System control and operational monitoring are important, this is where Marco interfaces the AV-IT systems in place through APIs to have instant data next to informational trends.